Our School » Use of Technology

Use of Technology

“Appropriate & Sustainable Use of Technology” Guidelines
Part of this Code of Conduct review process, the committee will also review “Appropriate & Sustainable Use of Technology” Guidelines to ensure it reflects current and emerging situations and are contributing to school safety relating to online usage and stewardship.
Technology Use Policy DRAFT (Up for Review with Students, Staff & Parents 2020-2021

Rationale: Our students health and safety are our primary concern while at school thus (1) St'a7mes School wants to promote the use of technology for educational purposes ONLY during the school day; (2) St'a7mes School wants to promote a healthy balance of technology use and aims to promote a new Unplug & Connect plan to improve the health and well-being of our students; (3) St'a7mes School wants to provide education for students, staff and family regarding technology and personal safety while reducing stress and harm.

(Source: tricitiesunplug.com)

Technology Policy: All personal and school provided electronic devices including but not limited to ipads, surfaces, e-readers, cell-phones and laptops etc. will ONLY be used during school hours for Educational Purposes and at the discretion of the teacher. If a student chooses to bring any personal devices to school they must not be used during instructional time  unless occasionally requested by their teacher and again, for Educational Purposes ONLY. Personal electronic devices therefore are not required school supplies necessary for the education of our students and we will continue to provide additional technology annually.  The teacher will ask the student for the device and take it to the office.   If a child is using a device in an inappropriate manner the parent will be called to come and retrieve the device from the school.  

Ear buds or Head-sets may be permitted at the teacher’s discretion. Failure to abide by this policy may result in electronic devices being held in the office with the Principal until the end of the day. Lost or stolen items are not the responsibility of the school.